Teaching & Learning Today: April 2023
April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023
Welcome to Teaching and Learning TODAY. We encourage you to monitor this newsletter regularly and respond to those areas that interest you. We facilitate the development of professional learning by members, for members and are grateful for the opportunity to do so. Allow us to assist you to learn, grow professionally, and impact others.
Please share our newsletter far and wide!
The Special Education Teacher Support Academy (SETSA) seeks 100 early-career special education teachers (up to their third year) and 20 veteran special education teachers, who may apply to be coaches, across Virginia to participate in the four-day event.
The academy will focus on providing new special education teachers with learning opportunities and strategies in professional knowledge, learning environment, instructional planning, instructional delivery, and assessment for and of learning.
The Virginia Department of Education’s Region 5 Training and Technical Assistance Center at James Madison University (TTAC at JMU) will cover the cost of your registration, overnight accommodations on campus, and a campus meal plan. In addition, each participant will receive a $500 stipend for participation.
Dates: June 26-29, 2023
● Location: James Madison University Festival Conference and Student Center, Harrisonburg, Virginia
● Registration: Coming soon. Visit the TTAC at JMU’s website for updates.
The National Board Certification Administrator Academy
Friday, April 21, 1:00-3:30 p.m.
Newport News Public Library, Main Street Branch Meeting Room
110 Main Street, Newport News, VA 23601
Registration will remain open until April 19 or capacity is reached.
We are collaborating with other Virginia National Board Affiliate Networks to present the National Board Certification Administrator Academy. We are inviting school and division level leaders to learn more about the rigorous certification process and how it benefits not just the educators who pursue certification, but also how it positively impacts student learning and teacher retention. School and division level decision makers will gain deeper understanding of the value National Board Certified Teachers bring to their communities and learn about strategies and resources to develop NBCTs in their own localities. Do you know a school or division level decision-maker who would benefit from attending this session? Encourage them to learn more and register by sharing this link.
Sometimes mixing in formative assessments that go a step beyond exit slips and low-stakes quizzes can inject some fun—and creativity—into learning. Check out 13 Formative Assessments That Inspire Creativity from Edutopia.
The work of the Department of Teaching and Learning extends out of headquarters and works directly with members. Meet one of our member partners:
Name: Kristian Ellingsen
Local: Loudoun Education Association
Role: National Board Certified Teacher Cohort Facilitator, Content Developer, and Professional Learning Facilitator
# of years in education: 17
# of years in VEA: 12
How has being a union member helped you?
Being a union member has helped me fulfill my desire to contribute to the profession of education outside of my own school’s walls. The VEA has enable me to work with teachers across the state of Virginia and with educators from around the world. Whether the opportunities are professional developments for me to build upon my leadership skills or to provide content and professional development for teachers seeking National Board certification, the VEA has been there to support me.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone in education, what would it be?
If I could give one piece of advice to someone in education it would be to become so busy executing on your work- while you are at work- that you do not have the time to engage in the negativity or gossip that can sometimes exist within a school. This will serve to create a more personally fulfilling experience at your school by garnering positivity through the exclusion of negativity. This approach will also yield huge dividends for your expertise within your classroom as you strive be a better teacher, co-worker, and friend on a daily basis. Keep in mind that “we are what we habitually do.”
According to a American Library Association survey, 67% of voters oppose banning books from school libraries?
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